Which 1 is the best language?
hurm.. idk

Here, i ll show what is the same and what is different about this 2 famous languange..
Perbezaan yg plg nyata skali,
PHP - nk start coding kene ade bende ni <? ?>
ASP - nk start kene ade ni lak <% %>
lain sket je, jd pada mereka yg da pro php, xde masalah rasenye korg nk mahir dlm asp
sebab flow die same je, yg beza nye syntax yg digunakan
so ni 1st thing la, ade byk lg aku nk share ngn korg ilmu aku, cmne nk mahir dlm 2 jenis programming ni


great effort start writing blog :P, ermm juz to add on.... :P

asp using iis server to running its script, instead php using apache :D...

and both are script not a language :) .. we should distinguish them :)

yes org pertama bg comment (0.o)v

ajar la

woit..bile nak updatenye?hehe..

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